
The ocean, which Commander Cousteau called “The World of Silence”, is nothing but vibrations but, almost 70 years later, the underwater sound universe still remains mysterious. It is into this universe that Lila Bazooka invites the listener for Océans Infinis.

The creation Océans Infinis immerses its audience in the soundscape of cetaceans, brings them to meet these marine mammals to give them the unique experience of intersubjectivity thanks to the use of scientific material collected during the project.

A musical journey, imaginary and poetic, will nevertheless be anchored in the ecological reality of our time, inviting the public to reflect.

Production: L'Avis des rêve L'Astrada stage approved in the territory with the support of the DGCA, the Occitanie region - Co-production Jazzèbre, Musiques au Comptoir - L'avis des rêve is approved DRAC Occitanie 2024-25
Followed by a conference led by Michel Segonzac.
“After an initial experience in the study of African mammals and birds of the southern lands, he set up the National Sorting Center for Biological Oceanography (Centob), a laboratory created in partnership between the National Museum of Natural History and the former Cnexo (whose merger with ISTPM will give rise to Ifremer), in order to determine the animals recovered during oceanographic campaigns. The activity of Centob was disrupted, increased tenfold, by the discovery of animal communities, previously unknown, hydrothermal springs in 1977, then cold seeps in 2002.
Throughout his career, he alternated campaigns at sea and sorting work in the laboratory. At the end of his career, Michel Segonzac made the dream of many zoology researchers come true: discovering an unknown animal. He acquired global fame thanks to the specimen of a new species of crustacean, called Galathée Yeti, whose photo went around the world in 2006.

For students over the age of 8

Rates / opening

Admission fees

Full price: €12, Reduced price: €10 (Reduced price (children, under 26, over 65, students, unemployed, minimum social benefits, Fleurance media library members)), Member: €8 (Special price (culture pass , group 7 and over, large families 4 and over, subscribers purchase on 3 different shows during the season)).


Saturday April 5, 2025 at 18 p.m.