
The captain sets the course for his theatrical crew, and each plays their essential role, indispensable to the others and dependent on each.

“Quai des Longitudes” is a great journey. We will follow our captain's journey, accompanying him from port to port, from storm to flat sea, from maneuvers to memories, from the depths of the sea to the starry sky. Through anecdotes from real logbooks, we will draw a thread between him and us.
Through texts, poems and songs, we will weave a resolutely epic travel story, where the technician's ladder becomes a foremast, the musician becomes a storm, and the management becomes a tavern: the theater stage becomes a ship.

For students over the age of 8

Rates / opening

Admission fees

Full price: €12, Reduced price: €10 (Reduced price (children, under 26, over 65, students, unemployed, minimum social benefits, Fleurance media library members)), Member: €8 (Special price (culture pass , group 7 and over, large families 4 and over, subscribers purchase on 3 different shows during the season)).


Thursday April 10, 2025 at 20:30 p.m.